New ski season at Kamchatka started at volcano Kozelskij (2189 m), October 7, 2010

On Thursday October 7, 2010 our group consisting of Ivan Starikov (Salomon), Alexei Visnjakov and Aljona Denshchik started a new winter ski season 2010–2011 in the area of volcano Kozelskij (2189–2250 m).

On the way to volcano Kozelskij
On the way to volcano Kozelskij

From the town we drove around 9.30 a.m., and an hour and a half after we arrived to basis of the volcano Kozelskij (2189 m). Journey to the volcano was dry and partly broken. The snowline started at a closed ski resorts, which could have been reached without any problem by the ordinary light car. The snow on the slopes of the volcano was hard enough before lunch, but after two o'clock in the afternoon, warm sun little melted it to ideal snow for skiing. Bright sun, clear snow, warm light breeze and a view of the endless Pacific Ocean, which was uncovered the northwestern slopes of the volcano, the day turned into one big pleasure, indescribable pleasure.

Pacific ocean
Pacific ocean

Original article:
Вулкан Козельский. Открытие нового горонолыжного сезона.

Only one photo with all of us
Only one photo with all of us

There were nice views at volcanos Viljuchinskij and Mutnovskij over Avacha bay
There were nice views at volcanos Viljuchinskij and Mutnovskij over Avacha bay

Afternoon snow was excellent
Afternoon snow was excellent

Just touch the snow
Just touch the snow

Something new on the ski?
Something new on the ski?

Just short climb remains to the summit
Just short climb remains to the summit

Snow was changing with altitude
Snow was changing with altitude

One turn… second turn
One turn… second turn

There is teoretically summer below, here is a lot of snow
There is teoretically summer below, here is a lot of snow

Pacific ocean everywhere around
Pacific ocean everywhere around

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