Skiing in the powder snow in Malá Fatra in January 2013

On Thursday 17, January 2013, bruder and I went for a powder snow and beautiful weather to Malá Fatra. Mirka and Simona from Višňového joined us in Žilina. We continued to the entrance of the one of the south oriented valleys of Malá Fatra, where we parked our car. Weather was simply excellent in the early morning.

Our group is almost ready to go
Our group is almost ready to go

There was something more than 1000 altitude meters awaiting us during this half day ski-touring trip. The beginning of the climb with quite steep slope in the old forest was excellent for breathe adaptation to the clear air of Malá Fatra. After reaching the side ridge we continued towards the main ridge in the forest with mostly gentle climb. We finally saw our goal for today after reaching the border of the forest, where the summit was still towered above us in a reasonable distance.

Ascend to the side ridge led fairly dense forest
Ascend to the side ridge led fairly dense forest

Towards the main ridge of Malá Fatra the wind speed increased significantly and it was quite unpleasant directly on the main ridge. We spent only a short time on the summit, we took off skins and got ready for the descent.

Excellent uphill track
Excellent uphill track

As the forecast for the avalanche danger was at the third degree out of the five, it was clear that we follow down the ascent trail above the tree line . After reaching the forest, we chose a nice slope through the old forest, where there was at least knee deep powder snow. The downhill was fantastic, as can be recognized from the attached photo and video.

Veducej ruky: Spoznavame stromy pod Malym Krivanom from Hurmikak on Vimeo.

Clanok k videu je tu:…o-male-fatry

Malá Fatra 17. 1. 2013  – powder everywhere below the tree line…
Malá Fatra 17. 1. 2013  – powder everywhere below the tree line…

I used wide and 184 cm long skis Movement Sluff – it was a good decision for the amount of powder there
I used wide and 184 cm long skis Movement Sluff – it was a good decision for the amount of powder there

A skialpinist from Višňové is running up the hill
A skialpinist from Višňové is running up the hill

A skialpinist from Višňové is running up the hill – Višňové, Višňové, Valašsko
We are climbing above the tree line with people in line as – Višňové, Višňové, Valašsko

Clouds are coming close to the main ridge – skiing down will be probably quite foggy
Clouds are coming close to the main ridge – skiing down will be probably quite foggy

A girl from Višňového is very fast when uphilling
A girl from Višňového is very fast when uphilling

The wind started on opened areas without the forest
The wind started on opened areas without the forest

The summit is near
The summit is near

There were almost no powder snow due to strong wind near the main ridge
There were almost no powder snow due to strong wind near the main ridge

Slope angle below the summit was quite interesting
Slope angle below the summit was quite interesting

The main ridge of Malá Fatra surrounded by clouds and fog
The main ridge of Malá Fatra surrounded by clouds and fog

The summit is above clouds
The summit is above clouds

Smiling skialpinist on the summit
Smiling skialpinist on the summit

Preparation for skiing almost ends up
Preparation for skiing almost ends up

Mirka in action with camera GoPro 3
Mirka in action with camera GoPro 3

Simona on the wind packed snow
Simona on the wind packed snow

Bruder with some snow in the air
Bruder with some snow in the air

Simona skiing through the forest overfilled with the powder snow
with some snow in the air

Mirka in the forest
Mirka in the forest

Simona in the forest
Simona in the forest

Bruder in the powder snow
Bruder in the powder snow

Palič in the forest
Palič in the forest

Palič in the forest
Palič in the forest

Palič in the forest
Palič in the forest

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