How to jump on skis 360, 540 and 720 degrees

Are you already bored with classic skiing with seldom interspercing with straight jumps? Do you want to learn how to jump 360 degrees on skis? It is very easy and it is possible to jump such 360 deg jump also in freeride, see: Všeťa helikoptéroval ve Vysokých Tatrách and not only in snowpark.

Indication of rotation by hand and body
Indication of rotation by hand and body

First of all you have to find side, on which you turn easily. Most probably it will be the same side on which you are braking on edges of your skis. So, you find out, if you will rotate on left or right. Take your skis and construct jump-bridge, for example as we did on picture.

Bound and beginning of rotation
Bound and beginning of rotation

Rotation 180 deg is the best and simplest way how to start. This rotation is possible to do also from standing position, when you need for example rorate just for ski-lift. Higher height is needed for whole rotation, so we need at least mogul on the slope for bounding. It is better to jump several times at least 180 deg to be sure with landing on switch, i.e. in a reverse way. It is also good to know skiing back, slowing down during skiing back and turning around. This knowledge will be helpful for learning 360 deg and more.

First 180 deg
First 180 deg

Proper performance of this jump need higher descent speed. It is better to finish rotation and have enough time for stabilization your position in air, and for landing. One of the most important things in this kind of jumps is proper descent and bound itself. As you can see on photos, it is better to do such things on wider jump-bridge. I jump these rotations on right side, so that, first I start with right hand and righ part of my body.

Ending of 360 deg
Ending of 360 deg

Description of descent and bound
There are many opinions and advices how to do. A lot of riders start with rotation after straight descent and after leaving jump-bridge. I saw once a video from USA, where guys descent for jump in turn to get centrifugal force. It was flash for me, and I started to do that firstly on snowboard. In my opinion, everybody, who do that in such a way, will agree with me, that it is much better and jump itself is much easier in comparison with straight descent.

Waiting for landing
Waiting for landing

You are starting with rotation on you preffered side during last meters before bounding from jump-bridge. Bound itself is realized with skis tilted to edge of jump-bridge. First 180 is rotated in first meters of flying. After some training you get optimal and smooth jump from starting to landing, necessary training is needed for sure. Do not care about your hands or ski-poles from beginning, just help yourself with jump.


In each rotation the first part, when you are back to landing, is harder and after its proper performance the only second 180 deg is waiting for you. During the second 180 you can see all the time possible landing of your jump, so you can fix possible problems. It is recommendable to land more on heels of your skis after finishing rotation. Then you should just flex in your knees. Landing on whole surface of your skis is quite paintfull not only for your knees.

Brutal rebound and first part of flight
Brutal rebound and first part of flight

Rotation 540 and 720 degrees on skis
Next step for proficiency in jumping on skis is rotation 540 deg. Descent and bound is the same with exception that you need much higher speed, height and length of jump for rotation. Somebody, who is couragous enough, can try also double helicopter or rotation 720 deg. I have jump it personally only several times, but I am enjoying this winter to try it again. It is really excellent jump!

FLying backward for a while
FLying backward for a while

In our video, see: Final Video 2005 / 2006 you can check also rotation 540 and 720 degrees, evenwhen in not proper way. It was my second month on skis after 8 years of snowboarding.

Looking for landing
Looking for landing

Whole 360 deg
Whole 360 deg

Jump for 720 deg

Descent with high speed
Descent with high speed

Descent by turn and bound
Descent by turn and bound

180 deg
180 deg

Just after first 360 deg
Just after first 360 deg

Rotation for 540 deg, it is time for last 180 deg
Rotation for 540 deg, it is time for last 180 deg

Landing on heels
Landing on heels

Flex in knees and leaving
Flex in knees and leaving

Jump for 360 deg in Mlynicka dolina (Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia) below waterfall Skok


Beginning of rotation below waterfall Skok
Beginning of rotation below waterfall Skok

Ending of rotation
Ending of rotation

Landing and leaving
Landing and leaving

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