Experience with dehydrated food Travellunch

Surely you've already met with dehydrated food. At least the soup in a bag Vitana. The advantages of such a diet are obvious – low weight, long life, minimal requirement of store, quick preparation.

Everything you need to prepare: stove, pot and the required portions Travellunch
Everything you need to prepare: stove, pot and the required portions Travellunch

„We tested on the people“ dehydrated food Travellunch. Tested by several people at several events: .

Preparation of Travellanch on Mt. Blanc
Preparation of Travellanch on Mt. Blanc

The storage is not subject to any claims. Shelf life is 2 years (actually much longer). Foods are packaged in protective atmosphere, which ensures long term durability and stability of color and most importantly taste.
Ope pack weighs 125 g – pleasure in wearing a backpack.

Waiting until water boiling
Waiting until water boiling

Preparation – To cook:
Preparation is very simple! Bring to a boil 2 dl water, tear the bag and pour boiling water into it. The actual food is not cooked! – An advantage because it save fuel. Wait about 5–10 minutes and you can eat – another advantage: Not washing pots, eating it straight from the bag. The waiting time to cook, or rather the contents of the bag soaked to manage to make tea, coffee …

Travellunch pouring boiling water
*Travellunch pouring boiling water *

Practical experience:

  • The bag is a good first pour about 1 / 3 to half that quantity of water, mix well, fill the rest and stir again. Before eating it is good to mix well again.
  • In extreme conditions (winter) fits Travellunch cast for 5–10 minutes to hide as a sleeping bag or under the line drawings that during the „training“ portion of the wasted heat and is sufficiently „cooked“
  • Even at altitudes around 4.000 to 4.500, we had no problem with that portion was undercooked. To guarantee success is to give enough boiling water (still a bit more than in the instructions) and during the „cooking“ as isolated portion of the sleeping bag and leave it rather those 10 minutes
  • Who has a short spoon, let the upper cut off while eating a bag about 5 cm to reach the bottom of the spoon. The bag is quite deep.
  • Hold the bag is very durable, torn up, even after 14-days in a backpack and wearing everyday unpacking and re-packaging bag
  • Use an empty container can be used in many ways – such as a vessel for pouring tea, if we have another canteen or a thermos, a garbage container in distress as a chamber pot (personally I've tried)

Mix up and wait…
Mix up and wait…

The actual consumption:

  • Doublepack is really great, two of her good eats. TL was used as the main meal after a day of operation. There was no need to „eat up“.
  • A large selection of different types of meals may not be repeated even on the longer events (eg 3 weeks)

… and we can eat!
… and we can eat!

All test participants agree on the fact that food is very tasty and filling. A much higher proportion of meat and the actual caloric value of foods Travellanch distinguish them from competing products.

Offer for Travellunch is here. – Travellunch

Tested on: Mara Chanca, Vasek Novotny, Petr Siska

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