Testing of new ELAN skis at Ski Parku Gruň on Sunday, Jan 20

Sport shop RUMASPORT from Ostravice had prepared testing of new models of ELAN skis in the ski resort Ski Park Gruň on Sunday, January 20, 2013. There were several tens of poeple interested in testing of new skis ELAN.

Exhibition tent ELAN – RUMASPORT was installed in the front of the restaurant
Exhibition tent ELAN – RUMASPORT was installed in the front of the restaurant

For a pityt, there was not the same amount of snow as shown on great motivation photos Sjezdovky Ski Park Gruň, and there were not prepared any part of the slope for moguls. Hopefully it will be changed very soon with coming new snow. Surprisingly, it was not possible to meet these girls Roštěnky na sněhu anywhere in this ski resort on Sunday, January 20.

There were several tens of people interested in testing skis ELAN during the day
There were several tens of people interested in testing skis ELAN during the day

I have tried 176 cm long Elan Amphibio Waveflex 14 and 165 cm long slalom skis Elan SLX FIS WaveFlex. I really like skis Amphibio Waveflex 14 just after the first skiing down – it is possible to do everything on these skis.

Martin Růžička and Kateřina Manestarová organized testing of skis ELAN
Martin Růžička and Kateřina Manestarová organized testing of skis ELAN

Followingly I changed Amphibio Waveflex 14 to slalom skis Elan SLX FIS WaveFlex. I almost fell down twice during the first skiing down, when the edge of the ski was somehow caught by the snow. This never happens to me till now… so that after the second round I returned skis and took back Amphibio. After some time it was time for a lunch break.

Kateřina and I with the bottle of rum – I did not drink rum, but it was great opportunity to test annual jacket Tilak Stinger and pants Tilak Avalanche
Kateřina and I with the bottle of rum – I did not drink rum, but it was great opportunity to test annual jacket Tilak Stinger and pants Tilak Avalanche

After „lunch“, and short discussion with Kateřina about skis and skiing techniques, I took slalom skis Elan SLX FIS again. I little adapted my style to skis and I found out that I started to like them. I was skiing on this skis without any break till 3 p.m., when the testing finished. Btw, I did not want to return them.

Testing was great and I can recommend the other one that will be hold in February 2, 2013.

Pro případ nenadálých událostí byl připraven i záhranářský pes s nezbytným rumem
Pro případ nenadálých událostí byl připraven i záhranářský pes s nezbytným rumem

Original announcement about the Sunday's tesing of skis ELAN
„20. ledna se uskuteční v lyžařském středisku www.skipark-grun.cz testování letošní kolekce lyží Elan spojené s vylepšovacím lyžování. Děti a manželky (manžele) můžete svěřit našim instroktorům. Sraz: mezi 9.00 a 9.45 před Kolibou pro zájemce o výuku (doporučuji se přihlásit předem), nebo kdykoliv na testování.
Cena testování. 400,–/osoba (získáte však poukázku ve stejné hodnotě na nákup v Rumasportu, e-shopu i kamenné prodejně.
Cena výuky: 400,–/osoba a 4h (získáte poukázku na 200,– viz výše)
Info a objednávky: katka@rumasport.cz a tel. na Katku: 606 424 845“

Skis ELAN are waiting for other people
Skis ELAN are waiting for other people

There stayed only part of the participants of the testing in the ski resort Ski Park Gruň in the late afternoon
There stayed only part of the participants of the testing in the ski resort Ski Park Gruň in the late afternoon

There were prepared several awards for participants
There were prepared several awards for participants

Scheme of the ski resort Ski Park Gruň, the best snow conditions were on red marked ski slope No. 4
Scheme of the ski resort Ski Park Gruň, the best snow conditions were on red marked ski slope No. 4

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