The eight-day thorough testing of the binding Dynafit BEAST in Macedonia in March 2013

During the trip Skialp & freeride with Naboso in Macedonia, March 1–10, 2013, I was testing excellent set that consists of skis Dynafit Huascaran (length 186 cm, 135–114–124 mm) with new freeride DIN 16 binding Dynafit BEAST and shoes Dynafit Mercury. Results of practical usage of Dynafit BEAST are here.

On the ridge of Macedonian mountains with skis Dynafit Huascaran and new freeride binding Dynafit BEAST
On the ridge of Macedonian mountains with skis Dynafit Huascaran and new freeride binding Dynafit BEAST (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Dynafit BEAST was used during:
Makedonie – lyže, board, sněžnice, skialp, 1. až 10. března 2013
Freeride Sunday in Macedonia, March 3, 2013
Ski-touring & snowboard trip to Titov vrv (2748 m) in the Republic of Macedonia

Binding Dynafit BEAST on skis Dynafit Huascaran at the Macedonian snow, toe is set for uphill, heel is set for downhill
Binding Dynafit BEAST on skis Dynafit Huascaran at the Macedonian snow, toe is set for uphill, heel is set for downhill (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Dynafit BEAST was introduced to me during Excellent Dynafit Press Event in Italian Dolomites in January 20133 and my impression was very positive. A detailed description is given on Introduction of a new freeride Dynafit BEAST binding in January 2013. Basic comparison with the most widely currently used DIN 16 binding Marker Duke EPF (older model 2000 výškových metrů s vázáním Marker Duke 16 na Kamčatce) is also there. There is no need to repeat previously written, as well as justification for what it is bound to DIN 16. Simply, DIN 16 is hardcore freeride standard today. It's freeride axiom, which is not discussed.

Toe of Dynafit BEAST set for uphill
Toe of Dynafit BEAST set for uphill (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Since I am focused on skialpinism and I do not have relevant experience with hardcore DIN 16 freeride bindings, the following lines are from the perspective of a man who sets up binding to DIN 12

In Macedonia I had Dynafit BEAST on excellent skis Dynafit Huascaran v délce 186 cm (135–114–124 mm) and shoesy Dynafit Mercury. Of the eight days of the Macedonian skiing I have tried both hard and soft slopes, rutted untreated freeride slopes in the vicinity of ski slopes and alpine skialpinism (for example Ski-touring & snowboard trip to Titov vrv (2748 m) in the Republic of Macedonia – over-frozen hump snow-cauliflower crust, sun-softened snow slush, just the powder was missing.

Heel of Dynafit BEAST in downhill mode with activated brakes
Heel of Dynafit BEAST in downhill mode with activated brakes (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

I use settings usually between DIN 9 to 10 on skialpinism and freeride skis. I usually do not do deliberately jumping, and it was clear that I will not use the full range of settings up to DIN 16. I set the binding to DIN 11 and looked forward to practical use.

It is easy to step in Dynafit BEAST in this kind of snow too
It is easy to step in Dynafit BEAST in this kind of snow too (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

The basic observation with Dynafit BEAST:

  • step into binding – toe: even if I am using Dynafit TLT binding more than thirteen years, I had a little problem at the beginning with the step-in the toe of Dynafit BEAST binding – it's not as simple as the classic Dynafit, in which I am step in almost the same as in SPD pedals on a bicycle. It need some training for a long-time user of Dynafitit TLT binding and get used to it, there is a need to better see where you put your toe of the boot. If you go to the Dynafitt BEAST from different bindings (ie without classic TLT habits), snapping the toe can do very quickly. Attention, the toe of Dynafit BEAST in the downhill position (safety shutdown) rotating, and therefore the closure easier if it is first switched to the uphill mode.
  • step into binding – heel: heel of Dynafit BEAST seems to be robust and oversizing with big main spring. As it was already presented in Introduction of a new freeride Dynafit BEAST binding in January 2013, it is not needed to use almost any strength for step in the rear part of the binding, as it is constructed in a way to use maximum of power DIN 4. Even so you do not notice that you are in. There is not any problem with so easy step in on the plane and with hard snow, but if you have a snow in the binding or the slope is steeper, it has been proven to be a complete turn on tip-toe to heel bindings uphill is turned on when the ski boot is in the axis of the ski. In the snow or on a slope when you switch tip binding directly to downhill mode may state that the shoe heel is slightly skewed and it can happen that you will miss the axis of the ski and you will ski down with unbuckled heel.
  • release of binding: by ski pole onto the toe of the binding or in betwwen changing downhill & uphill mode by shoe or the second ski.
  • switching between downhill & uphill: it is required as with other Dynafit bindings to release off the binding, put on skins, deactivate brakes, heel of the binding for uphill. Again, it is very simple – freeride-oriented activities are different from ski-touring races, where it is needed to put skins on & off quite often.
  • switching between uphill & downhill: after the uphill it is needed to switch heel bindings downhill (by ski-pole or hand) to release the brakes and, if the take off their skins with running spikes binding, it is possible to clip heels and prepare to exit.
  • change of height of rear part of the binding: depends on user's experiences – by ski-pole or by hand. Basic height of a heel is equal to the set when switching from binding convention on uphill (boot is a bit skewed) because at the same time blocking the brakes in position for uphill.
  • crampoons: I did not have crampoons for the binding Dynafit BEAST in March 2013, so that I do not have relevant experience.

Binding Dynafit BEAST and skis Dynafit Huascaran on Macedonian snow at the altitude approximately 2700 meter
Binding Dynafit BEAST and skis Dynafit Huascaran on Macedonian snow at the altitude approximately 2700 meter (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Dynafit BEAST advantages:

  • the lowest weight among DIN 16 bindings – saving significant forces
  • Uphill- rises just boot itself, no frames, etc. – saving significant forces
  • Switching heels by ski-pole
  • Slight tilt (front 17 mm and 23 mm at the rear of the ski) boots, base height adjustment heel bindings for uphill
  • Use boots Dynafit
  • Instead of conventional reinforcement Dynafit version is broad across the back part of the shoe due to significantly higher DIN

Dynafit BEAST disadvantages:

  • Limited number of copies available for sale in 2013 and thus higher expected price
  • For those who are used to the classic toe binding type Dynafit TLT need to get used to a different way of step in
  • Enthusiastic opponents Dynafit binding toe is still little robust

Binding Dynafit BEAST and skis Dynafit Huascaran on Macedonian snow at the altitude approximately 2700 meter
Binding Dynafit BEAST and skis Dynafit Huascaran on Macedonian snow at the altitude approximately 2700 meter (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

I am not a fan of heavy and not user friendly bindings, so that, from my point of view the option for binding with DIN 10–16 is quite clear for the mounting the binding on freeride or heliski „extra wide skis“ (for example. Dynafit Huascaran) currently clear – Dynafit BEAST. If you set the binding in the range of DIN 10 to 12 binding is a matter of choice more complicated and depends on the selected ski, skiing experience and style, expected way of usage. As an alternative, there can be nicely used Dynafit binding TLT Radical FT Z12 s brzdami 110 mm.

Skiing in Macedonia
Skiing in Macedonia (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Skiing in Macedonia
Skiing in Macedonia (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Skiing at Popova Šapka
Skiing at Popova Šapka (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Skiing from Titov vrv on skis Dynafit Huascaran
Skiing from Titov vrv on skis Dynafit Huascaran (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

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