Check your Dynafit Tech before new season!

Good news for owners of Dynafit binding. Quite an important component of this perfect binding tend sometimes crack and then break. In my experience, the fracture occurs prior to the creation of visible cracks, which in normal use is not available (I was probably skiing down Krcmar couloir in High Tatras on such broken binding).

The binging should look like this to have a tangible reason for your wife to upgrade bindings
The binging should look like this to have a tangible reason for your wife to upgrade bindings

However, it is possible to observe it with sharp eyes, which is good. Of course, not exclude that overweighted and aggressive skiers are able to break Dynafit Tech without first thinking about some seam cracks. Therefore I recommend to all tech-users to conduct a thorough inspection of your foot bindings. Specifically, an aluminum component that rotates around the upper part.

Once dropped from the skies can be seen underneath interesting cracks
Once dropped from the skies can be seen underneath interesting cracks

I attach photos of cracks, which I photographed with my binding TLT Comfort.
In my humble opinion, this problem also applies to newer types, because they
are structurally very similar. According to (more details are at Dynafit Durability Tips and Tricks) the newer types of vulnerabilities that bit better designed, but in this case slag healthy paranoia can not overstate.

If brakes are installed, we see that incriminated place is not seen
If brakes are installed, we see that incriminated place is not seen

So how responsibly and easily check whether our tech ripe for replacement? Thus: Looking under the rotating parts at exactly the place that I shoot and I'll either not see or cracks. If we see it, call / write Dynafit parts supplier and order a new part (circa 15 EUR).

Delicate work with screwdriver
Delicate work with screwdriver

Maybe you ask how I dismounted binding for the purpose of service and photography. I made it as follows: take a wider flat screwdriver (I used the old table-knife) and unscrew suspiciously large screws on the back part of binding. After unscreewing two springs falls neatly from opening. There is no need to fear, springs really do not fly away. Then we will try to use the tiniest finger or other suitable device to pull plastic cylindrical component from the hole – it is hidden and kept it there by vaseline. After unplugging it, we have the lower part for the exchange (comes in whole, ie the aluminum part + plastic base pad).

Little finger is a suitable tool
Little finger is a suitable tool

At this point, the thoughtful reader should consider the principle of operation
bead. Would be asked to call: „How primitive! But how effective!“ Yes, full twist to setting DIN is hidden in the spring pressure on plastered textured piece milled aluminum. Engineers from Dynafit had a very fun when drawing DIN scale onto binding. Home handymen have an open door – they can experiment with different springs, vaselines and high-pressure pipelines.

Springs really do not fly away
Springs really do not fly away

Theoretically it is possible to achieve the DIN infinity and return springs for a solid piece of aluminum, which would fill the entire cavity, which is otherwise hidden spring. This solution would trump owners of Diamir Freeride particular and mainly Marker Duke, who like and often in pubs mentioned values DIN values as a key value which governs the whole universe.

The light at the end of the tunnel is a stopper to be taken away
The light at the end of the tunnel is a stopper to be taken away

Short conclusion:

But back to a broken Dynafit Tech. Apparently, certain individuals can say to themselves that this is not their problem because a) they ski gently and smoothly, b) have low operating weight, or c) have a new binging. I think it suffices to state the facts: if I'm not dressed right, I have about 76 kg, I ride mostly gently and smoothly; almost not jumping (I do not know that) and that aluminum funny think that I broke, was not very intensive used for more than 2 years. So, given these broking facts, it is perhaps clear that the tech can break anyone, even palic!

After removing the plugs it is possible to disassembly top
After removing the plugs it is possible to disassembly top

Savage genius working principles beads arrows indicate the latches that hold the brake
Savage genius working principles beads arrows indicate the latches that hold the brake

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  1. WEF - 29 November 2009, 17:54 #

    Thanks for the info; I actually just discovered this fracture yesterday. Mine had snapped completely off. People told me to contact Salewa (I'm in the US).…iewtopic.php?…

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