Two winter months 2009 working at Cabin Rondvassbu in Norway

I went for trekking to Norway in summer 2008  – Jak jsem se sám poflakoval jižním Norskem. I visited and have good party at Cabin Rondvassbu in National Park Rondane. I agreed with cabin-keeper for a job in winter 2009 for two months. For sure, I took all my ski-alpinism equipment with me.

Summer view to Cabin Rondvassbu in 2008
Summer view to Cabin Rondvassbu in 2008

Cabin Rondvassbu in its winter beauty
Cabin Rondvassbu in its winter beauty

I took bus to city Otta, where I slept on open and warm railway station. Landrover from Cabin Rondvassbu took me in the morning. Latelz we changed it to snow-mobile to Rondvassbu.

One of my first ski-alpinism trips in Rondane
One of my first ski-alpinism trips in Rondane

Standard day on the cabin was similar to cabins in High Tatras, Slovakia, so that working all the day to satisfy visitors. If there were tourist, we had electricity till 10p.m., without tourists there were not electricity at all. We had good times and parties with cook. I was working there as universal guy for everything starting from kitchen via restaurant, rooms, toilets, etc.

Wonderfull landscape everywhere
Wonderfull landscape everywhere

I had with me skis Storm with ski-alpinism binding Naxo – Zamyšlení a hodnocení vázání NAXO NX21 and front part of the binding was broken twice during one month. Broken parts were exchanged free of charge by Rotefella (Naxo was bought by Rotefella). I also got T-shirt Naxo and Rotefella.

Slopes for skiing are nice everywhere around Cabin Rondvassbu
Slopes for skiing are nice everywhere around Cabin Rondvassbu

I liked Norway and is mountains. Feel free to go there!

This is me with breakable binding Naxo and the highest peak  Rondslottet – 2178 m
This is me with breakable binding Naxo and the highest peak Rondslottet – 2178 m

Peaks, peaks, everywhere beautiful peaks
Peaks, peaks, everywhere beautiful peaks

Surroundings of Cabin Rondvassbu
Surroundings of Cabin Rondvassbu

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