Presentation Skialpinism and freeride at Ukrajina at festival Kolem světa v Praze 29. 11. 2009

At festival Kolem světa (Around world) – Praha 28. – 29. 11. 2009 I presented photos from our Skialpinism and freeride Ukraina 2009 organized by travel agency CK Alpina – annotation: Jan Pala – Skialp a freeride na Ukrajině.

Sunday afternoon at festival Kolem světa in front of KD Ládví
Sunday afternoon at festival Kolem světa in front of KD Ládví

Another guide of Travel agency CK Alpina and traveller David Hainall – Rila a Pirin – střecha Balkánu had presentation about mountains in Bulgaria – Rila and Pirin.

Intruduction page – presentation Ukraina
Intruduction page – presentation Ukraina

SThis motocycle was riding through Indian Himalayas
This motocycle was riding through Indian Himalayas – more by Hřib Indie na Enfieldech

Travel agency CK Alpina in KD Ládví
Travel agency CK Alpina in KD Ládví

Moravia Contact prepared Russian visas for our skialpinism trip to Kamchatka
Moravia Contact prepared Russian visas for our skialpinism trip to Kamchatka

Anotace na výstavu fotografií, kde jich měl hodně Petr Adámek – Hřib
Anotace na výstavu fotografií, kde jich měl hodně Petr Adámek – Hřib – více Hřib Indie na Enfieldech

One of Hrib's photos in KD Ládví
One of Hrib's photos in KD Ládví – more by Hřib Indie na Enfieldech

Big hall in KD Ládví was completely full in Sunday's afternoon
Big hall in KD Ládví was completely full in Sunday's afternoon

There were also some dancing during festival Kolem sveta
There were also some dancing during festival Kolem sveta

Lukáš Synek at introduction of presentation from Jemen
Lukáš Synek at introduction of presentation from Jemen

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