XXI. Pelikánův seminář Společnosti Horské medicíny s podtitulem „Aktuální problémy horské medicíny“ was organized in pension Hájenka near the Seč dam from Oct 15 to Oct 17, 2010. As I was in Germany on Friday, I could not see presentation „Doctors of Mountaineering Association and mountain medicine“ that started at 8 p.m.
XXI. Pelikan seminar was full of interesting lectures, October 16, 2010
Meeting of travellers CK Alpina 2010 in Jedovnice - presentations, competitions and parties

10th Meeting Setkání cestovatelů 2010 organized by CK Alpina was in Jedovnice near Brno from Oct 1st to Oct 3rd 2010. After previous meetings in Větrný Jeníkov and Polička it was for the first time in the normal cinema hall, whereas all other evening actitivities were in cultural hall.
Presentation Skialpinism and freeride at Ukrajina at festival Kolem světa v Praze 29. 11. 2009

At festival Kolem světa (Around world) – Praha 28. – 29. 11. 2009 I presented photos from our Skialpinism and freeride Ukraina 2009 organized by travel agency CK Alpina – annotation: Jan Pala – Skialp a freeride na Ukrajině.