Tips and tricks

Fasten shoes with damaged shoe sole into binding Dynafit Tech

There is nice article Prevent Damage to Boot — Improper Use of Tech Bindings with photo of significantly damaged shoe around holes for pins of Dynafit Tech binding at website Shoes with proper shoe sole is almost impossible to damage in such a way, but if you shoe sole is damaged, it can be very easy.

Check your Dynafit Tech before new season!

Good news for owners of Dynafit binding. Quite an important component of this perfect binding tend sometimes crack and then break. In my experience, the fracture occurs prior to the creation of visible cracks, which in normal use is not available (I was probably skiing down Krcmar couloir in High Tatras on such broken binding).

How to jump on skis 360, 540 and 720 degrees

Are you already bored with classic skiing with seldom interspercing with straight jumps? Do you want to learn how to jump 360 degrees on skis? It is very easy and it is possible to jump such 360 deg jump also in freeride, see: Všeťa helikoptéroval ve Vysokých Tatrách and not only in snowpark.

G3 Climbing skins - troubles with trimming and storing (all models)

The purpose of this article is not to blame G3 (although some reservations could be found), but to point out certain troubles and shortcomings in included user's guide, troubles you will face in case of trimming skins on your own with provided tools (applies to all current versions of G3 climbing skins). Original trimming tool was described in Czech at Ořez carvingových tuleních pásů – G3 Trim Tool.